Jan 18, 2023Article published on chimpanzee communication and culture I am very excited to share that my last research from my Master's degree is now out as an article in Proceedings of the Royal Society:...
Feb 2, 2022Article in Animal Welfare on chimpanzee abnormal behaviorOver 4 years after the start of data collection, our study showing qualitative individual variation in abnormal behavior in chimpanzees...
Feb 26, 2021New article on behavior copying during immigration in captive chimpanzeesI'm happy to share my co-authors and I have published a new article on the Burgers' Zoo chimpanzees in a special issue on anecdotes in...
Sep 4, 2019First 'official' first-author article published!After a long period of brainstorming, analyzing, writing, and revising, our research on the response of a group chimpanzees to a bereaved...